Snimikobi Algonquin First Nation

Welcome to the Snimikobi Algonquin First Nation resource website

Algonquin Words 

Kwey kwey ------------- Hello

Miigwetch ------------ Thank You

Anin Ejinikazoyan ---- What Is Your Name

Nidijinikaz------------ I am called

Niin Miigwetchiwendam --- I Am Thankful

Nidonjaba ------------ I come from

Minawaazii Tibishkan -- Happy Birthday

Makwa ------------------ Bear

Amik -------------------- Beaver

Wawashkeshi --------- Deer

Mooz ------------------- Moose

Mikanuk ----------------Turtle

Migizi --------------------Eagle

Esiban -----------------Racoon

Mahingan --------------Wolf

Waboz ------------------Rabbit


 Member Spotlight


The Snimikobi Community would like to congratulate April Malcolm and Leanne Wilson who had their art pieces displayed in the Truth & Reconciliation Art Show in Bancroft Ont. that ran from Thursday September 7th 2023 to Saturday September 30th 2023 !

Cultural Activities